Like a face, expressive and emotive, that causes the eye to linger; like a wave, a muscle that pulls you down and down: that is what I wanted the cover to be. Nate Lewis, his engineering and patience, good sense and sustenance, was the vigor that created this prospect from which to regard.
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This is a story about the illusion of love and the focus of hope: an odyssey of desire; within, there is an undersong of photography, quantum physics, worship and war.
"This picture is transcendent. I see the connection between his eyes and his work, his hands, his tawny skin, his blood and his heart. I feel beneath the surface, the muscles that cling to the bone, and the pulse beating rhythmically for me. He is oceanic but his control does not stop at the shore. The force he exerts is equal and corresponding to the one I have for him. It falls exalted from his sleeves, his lips, luminous feelings that are left glimmering like gifts from the sea. Anyone who views this picture will happen upon our intimacy: a look that presages love. I gave him this photograph to do what his touch could never do: be fixed forever. He has become the curator of my fantasies, my caresses extended.
Pictures are ideal worlds better visited than the ones we occupy. There are no threats of separation. No prayers in the dark for the one you want, who will not come. But pictures fade. Leaving only the intangibles. This picture was the last consequence of my amorous piracy. He never asked to take mine. It was a significant detail perceived slowly."
-Yvonne Excerpt from: Prologue Excerpt from: Thesis Excerpt from Antithesis Charms Book Signings and Readings Summary of THE PICTURE: A WORK OF THEORY AND FICTION Interviews and Articles BOOKS AND OTHER WRITERLY WORKS